Slow down and take a breath!


I’ve taken an unplanned break from blogging over the past month. We’ve been home as usual for the festive season, so while most of the rest of South Africa have been relaxing on holiday things have seemed rather hectic here at Vastrap. What with festive season entertaining, various visits from family, Livia’s first birthday and a busy farming schedule, we are now desperately in need of a holiday! The weather has been absolutely amazing with beautiful hot days relieved by frequent dramatic thunderstorms. As a result, the farm is looking stunning with the cattle, and our car, literally swimming in grass in some of the camps. It was very special to have my grandparents, Koos and Hannatjie, with us for Christmas and Livia’s birthday, and to have my mom and Charles pop in for a night over New Year en route to the coast. We ended the “holiday” with a nice long visit from my sister, Hannia who got to spend some quality time with Livia and Ashley.

Tragedy struck last week though when we lost our dear boerboel Paris to a snake bite. She was a real trooper, the bravest dog we’ve ever met who navigated the world with as much gusto and enthusiasm as a sighted dog (see “How Paris “Sees” the World“). She will be sorely missed by all, especially our Jack Russell, Patch who was her constant protector. I just love the photo of him staring into the distance all alone while we were having a picnic on our last evening with Ashley and Hannia. The beagles were off on their own adventure somewhere and I’m sure he was missing his girl, Paris. Rest in peace beautiful soul. xx2015-01-15_0009 2015-01-15_0010

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